Il commento - Audiatur et altera pars. Semel aut semper?

Anno LII, n. 219, maggio-agosto 2017

Anno LII, n. 219, maggio-agosto 2017
Centro Einaudi
Articolo completo/Full text


The aim of this article is to go at the roots of Ceva’s theory of justice, exploring the implications of her view. After examining what I take to be the three
philosophical pillars of her view (§1), I discuss two points about the parts involved in a conflict (§2) and the general metatheoretical approach (§3).
The first point concerns the need to listen to each and every part of a conflict all the time, thus accepting any position, even those manifestly false or
impossible to prove. The second point is about the metaethical agnosticism upon which the theory is based. These points need to be further discussed, as
they could have important and innovative applications in the contemporary political-philosophical debate.