Inclusione politica e libera circolazione. Per un concetto complesso di eguaglianza democratica

Anno LI, n. 217, settembre-dicembre 2016
Centro Einaudi
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An inclusivist reading of democratic polity seems to require both open borders and full political inclusion of those migrants who want to join the political community. Yet more porous borders are compatible, and might encourage, forms of hyper-migration. Since hypermigrants cannot have the sense of attachment toward their hosting society that, according to this inclusivist reading, is required to properly exercise political agency they are excluded from the political arena. While I agree that hypermigrants cannot be fully included in the decision-making because they do not meet the requirements to properly exercise political rights, excluding them is problematic because it justifies a hierarchical society in which hypermigrants are considered less than equal and have no control over decisions that deeply influence their life plans. To overcome these problems I will claim that it is possible to justify an account of differentiated political inclusion according to which full political rights are acknowledged to permanent members only (both natives and migrants) while hypermigrants are partially included.  This perspective recognises every member of the polity as a political agent and ensures that she has control over the relevant political decisions without undermining the idea that citizenship requires a sense of belonging to the political community and concern for its long-term interests.