The Struggle is the Message: The organization and ideology of the anti-war movement

The Study of Coalition Behavior. Theoretical perspectives and cases from four continents

The Supply-side Revolution. An iinsider's account of policymaking in Washington

The Swerve

The Tauris Soviet directory. The elite of the USSR today

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The Theory of Commodity Price Stabilization

The Theory of Democracy Revisited. 1: The Contemporary Debate

The Theory of Democracy Revisited. 2: The Classical Issues

The Theory of Economic Policy in English Classical Political Economiy

The Theory of International Trade

The Theory of Money and Credit

The Theory of Moral Sentiments

The Thinking Reed. Intellectuals and the Soviet state from 1917 to the present

The Trend of Economic Thinking. Essays on political economists and economic history

The Triangular Connection: America, Israel and American Jews

The Un-Heavenly City. The nature and future of our urban crisis

The Unfinished Agenda. Essays on the political economy of government policy in honour of Arthur Seldon

The United Nations in International Politics

The United Nations in the 1990s

The United States in the 1980s