Leggere Hannah Arendt: un nuovo inizio

Anno LIII, n. 223, settembre-dicembre 2018

Anno LIII, n. 223, settembre-dicembre 2018
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The first two volumes of the Hannah Arendt’s Kritische Gesamtausgabe, which appeared in 2018, will mark surely a turning point in the approach to the philosopher’s writings. I consider expecially relevant the focus on the bilingual quality of Arendt’s writings. From the critical edition will come out a new reading of the “canonical” works, first of all, of Human Condition, one of the most multilayered and difficult Arendtian books. Among the numerous threads interwoven in this book, I focus on the conference held in 1954, The interest in politics in recent European philosophical thought. Here it is possible not only to see how the reflection about the human condition is connected to the debacle of the philosophical political tradition, but also how in Human Condition Arendt puts the basis of a transformation of philosophy, and not simply of a leave from philosophy in direction of the political theory. This is the great and unexplored legacy of Arendt’s “experimental” thinking.